Website traffic refers to the amount of users who visit a website, social media pages or profiles. Web traffic is measured in “visits” or “sessions,” and is a common way to measure an [...]
When planning an event for your business or organization, video documentation and streaming of the event is necessary for communicating the activities of the event to all stakeholders of the [...]
Top video production companies in Lagos is one of the links likely to show up in Google when you’re looking for a video production company in Lagos to work with. However, when reviewing search [...]
Social media is an internet-based platform of communication that allows users to transfer information to each other using; text, images, audio and videos. Various Social media companies like; [...]
In a period of vast and ever changing development in the world of technology and social media, videos have become the constant and most popular source of digital content consumption and customer [...]
Welcome to 2022 We are a video production company in Nigeria and based in Lagos. This year, we want to work with you to help your business achieve great marketing objectives through visual [...]
Online shoppers build an imagination inside their head by seeing the product videos, and on that basis, they decide to make the purchase. Visuals create the first impression. Visuals play a [...]
The truth is that most businesses that have complained about low sales or business patronage have not been able to really harness the power of videos. But even more importantly is choosing the [...]
When you want to know how to use a product or find a solution to a problem, do you settle to read written instructions or do you watch a video? If your answer is video then it shouldn’t be [...]
Have you ever wondered how major brands and corporate organizations are able to repeatedly drive sales? Yeah, you guessed right! Corporate videos are one out many ways businesses promote their [...]